Translations into 20+ world languages for MALINA - Safety s.r.o.
Saving time thanks to translation memory
The company MALINA – Safety s.r.o. is a specialist in respiratory protection for a wide variety of industrial applications and operates in the global market as the exclusive distributor of the CleanAIR® brand; domestically the company is also a wholesaler of welding technology. With its extensive development department, the company is able to deliver to its customers reliable and technologically advanced CleanAIR® filtering and ventilation systems.
We started to cooperate with the company MALINA – Safety s.r.o. in 2011. We translate for them a wide range of documents—from one-page internal reports to extensive technical translations such as user manuals, product catalogs, etc. Today we’re translating from English into more than 20 world languages.
The bedrock of our partnership with MALINA – Safety s.r.o. is our intensive use of translation memory. Besides enabling us to preserve the formal consistency of text and consistency of terminology across all its translated materials, Malina benefits enormously from the time savings that result. The translation system also allows us to solve issues related to catalog numbers, order codes, product names, and other labels in the text. Using specially pre-set templates and the necessary filters, these selected terms are not included in the price quote—without the customer having had to edit the source text before submitting it for translation. So, thanks to this process, we’ve achieved a high-quality and cost-effective solution for the assigned projects. Furthermore, we enable the customer to send us source texts in InDesign format and deliver the output translations in the same format. A significant part of the internal costs associated with modifying text formatting is therefore eliminated on the client side, while any chance of printing errors is simultaneously reduced.
The client greatly appreciates not only the professional approach of Aspena’s sales and production team, but also the quality of translations, friendly negotiations and compliance with the agreed deadlines.