Developing translation talents

Before any cooperation can get started, there is always a fairly long period when we carefully check the information about the new candidate. This check includes language skills and references submitted, and is followed by a practical test. As is evident from the above, not all candidates can cope with the trial and are ready to work with us.

So how did we address the set objectives? Our Localization Director pensively looked out the window at the renovated Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University where translation is studied
and said: “We will create an internship program and develop our own translation talents.”
Everything starting moving quickly afterwards. Following a meeting with the representatives of relevant departments and by mutual agreement, we have opened an internship program for students of English, German and Romance studies, supplemented by a series of training blocks launched starting today for students of these disciplines.
Under the guidance of our specialists, the students will learn a lot not just about the translation market and opportunities, but, starting from the beginning, our Localization Director and Localization Engineer will brief students on innovations in translation technologies and introduce new translation trends to their future colleagues.
We are confident that this our initiative will make entry to the translation market easier for students of translation and interpreting, and help establish trust for our future work together.

Jakub Čapek
Executive Director