We deliver chatbots and voicebots that are among the leading solutions in Central Europe

Join over 100 companies who have automated their routine processes and communications using our chat and voice AI virtual assistants. You, too, can get 24/7/356 support and save costs.

Be Understood

We’re ready to deploy a personalised system on the Feedyou platform directly into your environment. Our products are among the leading chatbot & voicebot solutions in Central Europe, with 300+ solutions in 30 countries. Our voicebots and chatbots can be connected to a large number of information systems, chat channel analytics tools, and omnichannel platforms.

What your virtual assistant can do:

  • Always on time and works 24/7/365
  • Deals perfectly with seasonal fluctuations
  • Can communicate in 48 world languages
  • Whenever needed, it will switch to an operator
  • Connects to your programmes
  • Offers a solution to staff turnover and unstable teams

Why you should choose our solution

A unified conversational AI platform for different applications in the company

A unified conversational AI platform for different applications in the company

Easy to use for non-technical users (no-code/low-code)

Easy to use for non-technical users (no-code/low-code)

Integrated chat support and voice channels

Integrated chat support and voice channels

Fully compatible with your internal systems via API (30+ ready-to-use integrations)

Fully compatible with your internal systems via API (30+ ready-to-use integrations)

Proprietary NLP technology with support for many languages

Proprietary NLP technology with support for many languages

Openness to the latest technologies (fastText, OpenAI, Whisper, GPT)

Openness to the latest technologies (fastText, OpenAI, Whisper, GPT)

Fast implementation and deployment (3–5 weeks for customised solutions, including training)

Fast implementation and deployment (3–5 weeks for customised solutions, including training)

Team, traction, extensive experience with functional and award-winning solutions (Gartner, Microsoft, IEA)

Team, traction, extensive experience with functional and award-winning solutions (Gartner, Microsoft, IEA)

Implementation of chatbots, voicebots, and mailbots

We automate routine queries and tasks, allowing your employees and customers to focus on more complex jobs. Bot automation reduces the cost of customer support and other services. Bots can collect valuable information about customer preferences and behaviour that can be used for further analysis and service improvement. Chatbots and voicebots can be easily integrated into existing business systems and processes.

Language options for chatbots, voicebots, and mailbots

We’re improving chatbots, voicebots and mailbots in foreign language communication. Our industry professionals flawlessly translate and localise situational texts, product and service information, and terminology databases. We create specialised foreign language text and audio datasets for the correct communication style of a particular chatbot or voicebot.

Voice options for voicebots

A top‑quality voicebot needs a perfectly matching voice. Whether the voice is male or female, calm and understanding or boldly emphatic – we’ll find the right one. We’ll tweak and deploy it so as to ideally match the service and content you want to communicate.

Automated communication reduces your costs

98 %

Reduction in user waiting time

80 %

Clearance of FAQs

50 %

Cost optimisation

3 weeks

Average time to get a virtual assistant up and running

34 mil

Interactions without human support in the previous year

Use of chatbots, voicebots, and mailbots

Added value for customers

Chatbots and voicebots are great tools for efficiently handling the most common questions, complaints, and claims. They can help with feedback collection, satisfaction measurement (NPS), and self‑service change management or password recovery. Chatbots allow users to easily answer basic questions about opening hours, shipping costs, or choosing the right product. Voicebots can then efficiently resolve queries via a voice interface.

Virtual assistants for agents and team leaders

Virtual assistants increase the level of support for your call centre agents. They are most helpful for junior employees, often effectively substituting the support of a more experienced colleague. Such assistance reduces call waiting time, reduces AHT, and increases productivity. Virtual assistants help new employees to increase their NPS and constantly remain in contact with them – enabling employees to improve call quality and get opportunities for self‑development through the assistant’s advice.

Added value for HR

Chatbots and voicebots help HR with recruitment, onboarding, customer surveys, internal helpdesks and service desks, and even offboarding. With a chatbot you can stay in touch with your candidates, bidders, or employees 24/7/365, while automating their most frequent requests, collecting feedback, and supporting them in their work around the clock.

Data protection and security

With our experienced implementation team, we ensure that implementation will respect all hardware, software, and security requirements, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and compatibility with your existing information systems.

  • We comply with GDPR and other security regulations
  • Virtual assistant solutions run in separate instances or Microsoft Azure Cloud subscriptions, thus reducing security risks
  • Solutions requiring maximum security are implemented in our own MS tenant accounts for clients
  • Servers are located in the EU (Microsoft West Europe)
  • Automatic encryption of user data using Microsoft Azure Cloud services
  • Authorisation via the Auth0 platform with supported adapters such as Facebook Login, email and password, Google Suite, Microsoft AD, etc.

Creating and developing assistants has never been easier. You get one tool and infinite possibilities.

Easy to use

Easy to use



No programming

No programming

Multipleany language combinations

Multipleany language combinations